Z相隔两个字母, 顺次次序类推, 即可得出答案。


  听力部分 (共三大题,计 30分)

  C) 16—20 EDCAB

  为另外一个单词, 读懂标题后答案便不难找出了。

  1—5 CDCBA

  VII. Dialogue completion (补全对话) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1分,计 5分)

  66. dating 67. series 68. other 69. unable 70. took

  I remitted $54 almost two months ago, in payment for two tickets to a concert by La Bamba on November

  84. The teacher explained the passage in detail.

  2 分,计 35分)

  competition. Secondly, these shows also entertain people in a new way and it‘s always more interesting by taking part yourself than just sitting in the coach watching celebrities performing. Thirdly, people can even win prizes from some reality TV shows. To conclude, reality TV shows will be here for some time to come.

  I would appreciatea quick reply.

  24. However, I haven't received any tickets yet. I have called many times, but I haven't spoken to anyone

  IV. Sentence pattern transformation (句式转换) (共 5小题; 每小题 2 分,计 10分)

  63. They created BackRub —a unique search engine that analyzed Web links in a new way. And they desi

  61. F 62.F

  说明:将十二个月份的英文单词写出,可发现以 A 开头的是 April 和 August,字母 p 排列在字母 u 之

  V. Translation (翻译) (共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分,计 10 分)

  说明: 此题须要找出两个字母,这两个字母与括号前的字母组合成为一个单词,与括号后的字母组合成

  I. Responses (句子应答) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1分,计 5 分)

  96. JQ, MN

  From: Lydia Connors

  91—95 FBAEC

  82. 古代的水稻产量是 20世纪 60 年代前的两倍。

  B) 51. darkness 52. cigarette lighters 53. blind 54. friends 55. role

  71. tons 72. friendly 73. inside 74. none 75. both

  83,goyard2012新款. Mom never allows me to eat two candies at a time.

  IX. Writing (写作) (共 2 小题; A 题满分 10分; B 题满分 15分,计 25 分)


  A) One possible version:

  Best Wishes,

  Nevertheless, can you please confirm that you have received the check, and that you have sent the tickets?

  笔试部分 (共九大题,计 120分)

  I realize that you have a lot of orders for tickets and that it takes some time to reply to each customer

  II. Reading comprehension (浏览理解) (共 20 小题; 取舍题 5 小题, 每小题 1 分; 非挑选题 15 小题, 每小题

  Lydia Connors

  B) One possible version:

  available online.

  II. Dialogues (对话懂得) (共 15 小题; 每小题 1分,计 15分)

  III. Cloze (完形填空) (共 10小题; 每小题 1 分,计 10 分)

  A) 6—10 CACBC

  VIII. IQ (智力测试) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 5分)

  解释: 由前两组字母组合可发明 A 和 Z分离位于字母排列首位和末尾, 而 D 与 A 相隔两个字母, W 与

  86. live改为 living 87. in改为 for 88. 对的 89. and 改为 but 90. Asian 改为 Asia

  64. It tells us how successful Google is today. 65. available.

  because the number is always busy.

  包括了玄色部分, 白色空缺部分, 跟沙粒状阴影部分,celine新款逐個數, 再察看第四个含有 X 的图形, 即可印证这个断定;第


  B) 26. marriage 27. do things 28. realized 29.a way out 30. misunderstandings

  A) 21—25 BCDDA

  三和第五个图形都含有 Y, 它们的独特点是圆形中只包含黑色部分和白色空白部分; 再视察字母 A, B, C, D

  VI. Error correction (短文改错) (共 5小题; 每小题 1分,计 5 分)

  Subject: Information please

  III. Passages (短文理解) (共 10 小题; 每小题 1分,计 10 分)


  98. Age

  B) 11—15 CABCC

  their dreams. Some young girls and boys become professional singers by taking part in the reality TV show which holds a singing

  a unique, and also secret way for their search engine to find and organize the large amount of inform

  To: enquiries @musictickets4you.com

  99. April; September

  前, 因而 April 是排在第一位的月份, 而排在最后一位的是以字母 S 开头的 September.

  85. With the rapid development of technology, people don蒺t takea Walkman with them to listen to music any

  76. How quickly they founda way to start the car!

  分辨代表的是矩形大局部的暗影类型, 其中 C 代表的是矩形的大部门阴影应当是方框。由此可得出答案。

  2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)

  97. o;r

  77. How long 78. so much 79. did he 80. he goes

  说明: 首先观察已给出的图形的法则, 第一和第二个图形中重合的字母是 X, 它们的共同点是圆形中都


  I. Multiple-choice (抉择填空) (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 15 分)

  Reality TV shows are becoming popular in recent years. First of all, in my opinion, it offers an opportunity forordinary people to realize


  31—35 DBCBA 36—40 ACBAD 41—45 BBDAC

  A) 46—50 DBBCD

  56. computer chips 57. go around 58. visual display 59. twice 60. radio signals

  81. 这家超市供给各种淡水鱼。


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